來自One Its的信息
這個角落是一個途徑,讓ONE ITs可以分享他們與X1有關的愛、激勵、開心、友誼及人生改變的時刻,進而鼓舞其他ONE ITs夥伴們。
告訴我們關於您的故事,如何開始愛上每位成員,分享X1如何幫助您渡過低潮,或是如何帶給您快樂。甚至,ONE ITs朋友們如何成為您生活中的一部份!讓這個世界知道這11個男孩如何改變您的生活。
我們對於您的故事非常感興趣,ONE IT的旅程故事值得我們傾聽。
我們很歡迎收到您的消息,我們的ONE ITs。
169 則留言。
I guess it's my turn to share my story.
I had never watched a survival group show or followed any of the Produce groups closely. I only truly stan about 3 groups, otherwise I just listen to the music. But a few of my friends from all over the world decided we would watch this season together via rabbit (RIP). We spent a lot of time laughing (and crying) and joking around. We had so much fun during the entire run. I really didn't expect to get so invested in the group, but after the finale I found myself really hyped up for them. I found myself participating in the fandom, making stan accounts to interact with other One Its on different platforms and making my own content. It re-awakened my passion for being creative. I ended up making so many friends; some of them I've gotten extremely close to over the past few months. I've laughed. I've cried. I've fangirled. Even during the drought, I've been entertained. I've been happy. I've passed the time with my new friends.
For anyone, these are all amazing things. But something that I don't tell people or openly advertise is that I'm physically disabled. As a result of a car accident, I'm a paraplegic (with other annoying complications) so I use a wheelchair 24/7. For a girl in the prime of her life, I should have an active social life. I should be heading away to college. I should be doing a lot of things that I'm physically unable to do. Sometimes, it's a struggle. Sometimes, I get very depressed. But I realized that over the past few months, I haven't felt down. I haven't felt alone.
I love every member of X1 and I'm thankful not only for the joys they've provided me, but the ways they've connected me to people all over the world and given me the chance to forge so many new friendships. The way the fandom has rallied around the boys and still managed to have fun and be positive despite the controversy has reminded me that even in the darkest of times, there is still so much good to be found. The boost in my mood over these past few months thanks to X1 has motivated me to work hard and step out of my comfort zone. I'm going to be attending my first cupsleeve event next year and while it would normally be a situation that would make me extremely anxious, all I feel is excitement.
X1 has already changed my life in so many ways and I could not be prouder to support them. In just a few short months, they managed to give me, a small girl who can't walk, the wings to fly. I hope one day I get the chance to tell them that. But until then, you can bet I'll be hyping them up and streaming and voting and buying their albums - everything in my power to give back for all they've given me. I can't imagine what we'll both accomplish over the 5 years together, but I'm really excited to see!
FLY HIGH! 화이팅!
I had never watched a survival group show or followed any of the Produce groups closely. I only truly stan about 3 groups, otherwise I just listen to the music. But a few of my friends from all over the world decided we would watch this season together via rabbit (RIP). We spent a lot of time laughing (and crying) and joking around. We had so much fun during the entire run. I really didn't expect to get so invested in the group, but after the finale I found myself really hyped up for them. I found myself participating in the fandom, making stan accounts to interact with other One Its on different platforms and making my own content. It re-awakened my passion for being creative. I ended up making so many friends; some of them I've gotten extremely close to over the past few months. I've laughed. I've cried. I've fangirled. Even during the drought, I've been entertained. I've been happy. I've passed the time with my new friends.
For anyone, these are all amazing things. But something that I don't tell people or openly advertise is that I'm physically disabled. As a result of a car accident, I'm a paraplegic (with other annoying complications) so I use a wheelchair 24/7. For a girl in the prime of her life, I should have an active social life. I should be heading away to college. I should be doing a lot of things that I'm physically unable to do. Sometimes, it's a struggle. Sometimes, I get very depressed. But I realized that over the past few months, I haven't felt down. I haven't felt alone.
I love every member of X1 and I'm thankful not only for the joys they've provided me, but the ways they've connected me to people all over the world and given me the chance to forge so many new friendships. The way the fandom has rallied around the boys and still managed to have fun and be positive despite the controversy has reminded me that even in the darkest of times, there is still so much good to be found. The boost in my mood over these past few months thanks to X1 has motivated me to work hard and step out of my comfort zone. I'm going to be attending my first cupsleeve event next year and while it would normally be a situation that would make me extremely anxious, all I feel is excitement.
X1 has already changed my life in so many ways and I could not be prouder to support them. In just a few short months, they managed to give me, a small girl who can't walk, the wings to fly. I hope one day I get the chance to tell them that. But until then, you can bet I'll be hyping them up and streaming and voting and buying their albums - everything in my power to give back for all they've given me. I can't imagine what we'll both accomplish over the 5 years together, but I'm really excited to see!
FLY HIGH! 화이팅!
Napadaan lang ako dito haha. Nagbasa basa ako and ayun napasulat na rin ng entry ko. Miss ko na sila. Miss na miss ko na sila. Sana soon makakuha na tayo ng balita about them. Good news and more stages. One its, maghintay lang tayo. Yung goodnews malapit na yan 💓 X1 hwaitinggg! One its hwaitinggg!!!
Like Junho's says, X1 is ONE and ONE IT always support X1 till the end. X1 Fighting! We love you~♡
Reading the letters of different One Its around the globe urged me to share how X1 have helped me in fighting my personal battle. Back in April, I noticed something strange in my breast. I felt a lump and upon checking both, it's
not only one but multiple lumps can be felt. I started panicking, I don't want to succumb into a life-threatening illness. I resigned in my previous job around May. My mental health starts deteriorating and because of that my overall well-being also suffered. I lost more or less 8kg in less than a month. Anxiety attacks, depression and crying almost every night becomes a part of my routine. But Friday nights is an exception, watching ProduceX101 helped me forgot all my real-life problems. Cheering for the trainees, wanting my picks to debut, crying every elimination episode, feeling all of those emotion makes me feel alive again. I had my surgery around June, it was stressful but watching the trainees' performances especially Seungyoun's cheered me up. Nine days before the finals, I got my biopsy result... I was so scared but watching Seungyoun's Move fancam calms me. Fortunately, it was just a benign tumor, multiple fibroadenoma to be exact. Day of the finals, I only felt pure bliss upon hearing the name "Cho Seungyoun", he is going to debut, he will perform in the stage he longed once again. I found myself crying that night, not because of sadness but because of overwhelming happiness. They only gave me happiness days after their debut, my mental health starts recovering and one major reason is because X1 is existing. I love them so much; I don't know how but I want to protect them like how they saved me from one of my lowest point in life.
not only one but multiple lumps can be felt. I started panicking, I don't want to succumb into a life-threatening illness. I resigned in my previous job around May. My mental health starts deteriorating and because of that my overall well-being also suffered. I lost more or less 8kg in less than a month. Anxiety attacks, depression and crying almost every night becomes a part of my routine. But Friday nights is an exception, watching ProduceX101 helped me forgot all my real-life problems. Cheering for the trainees, wanting my picks to debut, crying every elimination episode, feeling all of those emotion makes me feel alive again. I had my surgery around June, it was stressful but watching the trainees' performances especially Seungyoun's cheered me up. Nine days before the finals, I got my biopsy result... I was so scared but watching Seungyoun's Move fancam calms me. Fortunately, it was just a benign tumor, multiple fibroadenoma to be exact. Day of the finals, I only felt pure bliss upon hearing the name "Cho Seungyoun", he is going to debut, he will perform in the stage he longed once again. I found myself crying that night, not because of sadness but because of overwhelming happiness. They only gave me happiness days after their debut, my mental health starts recovering and one major reason is because X1 is existing. I love them so much; I don't know how but I want to protect them like how they saved me from one of my lowest point in life.
こんにちわ。私は日本の高校生です。X1に出会う前私はあることがきっかけで生きることの楽しさを失ってしまって感情を表に出さなくなりました。学校に行くのが毎日辛くてとにかく孤独でした。X1に出会ってから、彼らにはたくさんの希望をもらいました。毎日がモノクロから彩られるように輝かしい日々に変わりました。X1の皆はone it のおかげで支えられていると言いましたが、私にとっては彼らのおかげで生きる楽しさや希望をもらいました。本当にx1が大好きで愛しています。彼らの努力を無駄にはしないで。x1の輝かしい未来を消さないで。x1がいるから今の私がある。世界中のone it たちがx1を待っていることを知って欲しい。私はx1がいて毎日を乗り越えてきました。x1のすべてを愛して、x1の歌、ダンスすべて愛しています。11人の幸せを世界中のone it が願っています!私たちがx1の翼になります。大丈夫。one it はいつでもx1と共にあります。愛するx1心配しないで。
私がX1を知ったのは今まで全シーズン見てきたプロデュースです。もともと知っていたウソクやスンウなどすでにデビューしていた練習生もいて彼らがアイドルとして活動していく中で沢山悩んでいた事を知りました。私は彼らの力になりたいです!また苦しい悲しい辛い思いをしてほしくはありません!11人が輝いている姿を早く見たいです。X1がプロデュース101が努力している人が大好きだからです!そして、One Itの方々がこうしてメッセージを伝える機会を与えてくださって感謝しています。応援してます!!大好きです♥
hello, i'm one it from indonesia
I want to say that I love x1, and they are the reason I am happy and they are my inspiration that never give up on reaching dreams. And for one its all over the world I am proud to be a strong fandom.
as one it we have to support x1 because there's no x1 if there isn't one it and vice versa. let's fly high x1 and one it !!!!!!!
I want to say that I love x1, and they are the reason I am happy and they are my inspiration that never give up on reaching dreams. And for one its all over the world I am proud to be a strong fandom.
as one it we have to support x1 because there's no x1 if there isn't one it and vice versa. let's fly high x1 and one it !!!!!!!
who cares about pedals ? i fly . keep the spirit on fire because one it come over with million star,wings and love. hi,namaku vina dari jakarta indonesia,selalu mendukung X1,kami tidak sabar menunggumu konser dan fan meeting di sini. Segera datang ke negara kami we will always be your side. ❤❤❤
Hello i'm an one it from Indonesia. Before i stan this 11 boys, i have been a fan for other boyband. But, when i be a part of this fandom, i felt proud to this fandom. One its is the best fandom who loves the best boyband too. And, as the one it i will always support X1, always by their side, and always be their swing to fly higher than the sky! One its can make X1 be the number one because we are one it! Fighting One its and our lovely boys X1 !!!
Hi! I'm a Indonesian ONE IT. I just wanna say I love X1 soo much! I listening to many kpop group. But, only X1 can make me fall in love with them. And to be honest, now i'm very sad and afraid and sad about X1 future. But, I trust something good will happen.
Fighting X1! ONE IT always with you~♡
Fighting X1! ONE IT always with you~♡
Produce101 シリーズが好きで、Produce X 101 を見ていました。そこで練習生の真摯に夢を追いかける姿にとても感動しました。そしてX1を応援しようと思いました。私が1番好きなのは손동표ですX1_MAのセンターでたくさんプレッシャーがあってもそれを乗り越える姿を見て、ずっと応援したいと思いました。そしてX1のメンバーになれたこと、本当に誇りに思います。
メンバー全員本当に努力してきました。やっと努力が報われてデビューできたんです。彼らは何も悪くありません。ただ一生懸命頑張ったんです。ONE ITはずっとずっと、いつまでも、X1の味方です。決して離れません。X1とONE ITの心は一つです。X1が活動できるのを心から願っています。X1の11人が幸せになれますように。大好きです。がんばれ
メンバー全員本当に努力してきました。やっと努力が報われてデビューできたんです。彼らは何も悪くありません。ただ一生懸命頑張ったんです。ONE ITはずっとずっと、いつまでも、X1の味方です。決して離れません。X1とONE ITの心は一つです。X1が活動できるのを心から願っています。X1の11人が幸せになれますように。大好きです。がんばれ
X1 jika anda membaca ini
Saya sungguh merindukan kalian
Teruslah terbang
Terbang yang tinggi
Dont worry we are here for you
Saya sungguh merindukan kalian
Teruslah terbang
Terbang yang tinggi
Dont worry we are here for you
Hello my beloved 11 boys !
Everytime of everyday, I just ask for myself.
What are X1 doing now?
Did they eat?
Do they enjoy the sky today?
Do they miss One It?
Do they hold pain?
Are they hurt?
Do people treat them well?
and many more questions that swirled in my brain.
But, you know? I never cry. I'll never cry anymore. That's useless, right?
I just say to myself, they are okay.
They have enjoyed delicious food
They are happy to see the beautiful sky
They always miss One It
They will not be hurt, because they know how many people love them and will always be the bandages of their wounds so no one will be able to hurt them
They must be treated well, as well as they treat anyone else.
I feel peace in my heart to always believe that you will definitely come back soon. You guys will come back for us, because you miss us right? You know that the ocean is vast, but ours love is even broader than that, wider than we realize.
So make sure that you don't get hurt at all. Promise to always be happy boys, we love you❤
Indonesian One It 🇲🇨
Everytime of everyday, I just ask for myself.
What are X1 doing now?
Did they eat?
Do they enjoy the sky today?
Do they miss One It?
Do they hold pain?
Are they hurt?
Do people treat them well?
and many more questions that swirled in my brain.
But, you know? I never cry. I'll never cry anymore. That's useless, right?
I just say to myself, they are okay.
They have enjoyed delicious food
They are happy to see the beautiful sky
They always miss One It
They will not be hurt, because they know how many people love them and will always be the bandages of their wounds so no one will be able to hurt them
They must be treated well, as well as they treat anyone else.
I feel peace in my heart to always believe that you will definitely come back soon. You guys will come back for us, because you miss us right? You know that the ocean is vast, but ours love is even broader than that, wider than we realize.
So make sure that you don't get hurt at all. Promise to always be happy boys, we love you❤
Indonesian One It 🇲🇨
Bonjour a tous,
Juste un petit message de soutien pour vous les garçons.
Les photos de fans qui nous arrivent depuis 2 jours, nous réchauffent le cœur, mais vous nous manquez tellement.
Ne pas savoir si vous allez bien est très difficile pour nous qui nous inquiétons de vous.
J’espère que chacun d'entre vous profites au mieux de sa famille, de ses amis et que vous réussissez a tenir le coup moralement tous ensemble.
Faites le plein de joie et d'amour auprès de votre famille et de vos amis.
Surtout, ne portez pas seuls vos peurs, vos angoisses, vos inquiétudes et vos problèmes, a ce sujet, je penses surtout a toi Seungwoo, qui prend tellement a cœur ton rôle de leader.
N'oubliez pas que les One_Its du monde entier sont avec vous (je suis en France), nous vous attendrons et vous soutiendrons quelques soient vos décisions, même si, évidement, nous préférons vous revoir très vite en tant que X1, que nous chérissons tant.
Personnellement, X1 est né a un moment trés pénible de ma vie , et vous y avez mis de l'espoir, de la joie, et surtout de la joie de vivre.
Pour cela, je ne vous remercierais jamais assez.
Aujourd'hui je me sens tellement démunie et impuissante face a tous ce que vous devez supporter, alors que je voudrais tant pouvoir vous aider et vous soutenir comme vous l'avez fait pour moi, sans le savoir.
Je ne peux que vous envoyer ces quelques mots, qui j’espère vous parviendront.
Je leur donnent pour mission de vous soutenir le plus possible et de vous montrer combien, tous les membres du groupe, vous êtes aimés au delà de ce que vous pouvez imaginer.
Je vous envois donc toutes les ondes positives qu'il m'est possible d'envoyer ainsi que tout mon amour et mon soutien pour la suite.
On s'est fait une promesse le 1er jour, au showcon: One_It sera toujours la pour vous!
AliceOne_It, (France)
Juste un petit message de soutien pour vous les garçons.
Les photos de fans qui nous arrivent depuis 2 jours, nous réchauffent le cœur, mais vous nous manquez tellement.
Ne pas savoir si vous allez bien est très difficile pour nous qui nous inquiétons de vous.
J’espère que chacun d'entre vous profites au mieux de sa famille, de ses amis et que vous réussissez a tenir le coup moralement tous ensemble.
Faites le plein de joie et d'amour auprès de votre famille et de vos amis.
Surtout, ne portez pas seuls vos peurs, vos angoisses, vos inquiétudes et vos problèmes, a ce sujet, je penses surtout a toi Seungwoo, qui prend tellement a cœur ton rôle de leader.
N'oubliez pas que les One_Its du monde entier sont avec vous (je suis en France), nous vous attendrons et vous soutiendrons quelques soient vos décisions, même si, évidement, nous préférons vous revoir très vite en tant que X1, que nous chérissons tant.
Personnellement, X1 est né a un moment trés pénible de ma vie , et vous y avez mis de l'espoir, de la joie, et surtout de la joie de vivre.
Pour cela, je ne vous remercierais jamais assez.
Aujourd'hui je me sens tellement démunie et impuissante face a tous ce que vous devez supporter, alors que je voudrais tant pouvoir vous aider et vous soutenir comme vous l'avez fait pour moi, sans le savoir.
Je ne peux que vous envoyer ces quelques mots, qui j’espère vous parviendront.
Je leur donnent pour mission de vous soutenir le plus possible et de vous montrer combien, tous les membres du groupe, vous êtes aimés au delà de ce que vous pouvez imaginer.
Je vous envois donc toutes les ondes positives qu'il m'est possible d'envoyer ainsi que tout mon amour et mon soutien pour la suite.
On s'est fait une promesse le 1er jour, au showcon: One_It sera toujours la pour vous!
AliceOne_It, (France)
안녕하세요 !!, 저는 인도네시아 출신의 OneIt입니다. 우리는 언제 어디서나 어떤 상황에서도 항상 당신을 지원할 것입니다. 어떤 이유로 든 포기할 수 없습니다. 우리와 함께, 항상 우리를 위해, 우리가 보는 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 우리는 결코 흔들리지 않을 것입니다. 당신의 단점에 대한 다른 사람들의 생각은 우리가 당신을 지원하도록 포기하지 않을 것입니다. 우리의 영혼은 멸망 할 수 있지만, 당신의 설레는 영혼은 우리의 멸망 한 영혼을 점화시킬 것입니다. [Hello!! I'm OneIt from Indonesia. We will always support you anytime, anywhere, in any situation. You cannot give up for any reason. Be with us, always be for us, and be proud of what we see. We will never shake. Other people's thoughts on your shortcomings will not give up to keep us supporting you. Our soul may be extinguished, but your fluttering soul will ignite our lost soul.]
안녕하세요 액스원
이곳에서 만나게 되어 반가워요
이렇게 전세계에서 우리 엑스원을 많이 사랑하고 있어요
아무쪼록 기운 내시고 건강하게 패기있게 이 시간을 보내요
다시 만날때는 내적으로나 또 외적으로 더 멋져지기로 해요
이곳에서 만나게 되어 반가워요
이렇게 전세계에서 우리 엑스원을 많이 사랑하고 있어요
아무쪼록 기운 내시고 건강하게 패기있게 이 시간을 보내요
다시 만날때는 내적으로나 또 외적으로 더 멋져지기로 해요
Hi X1! I'm One It from Viet Nam. You're my source of strength. I love you so much X1! And my bias is Kim Yohan, he is my husband:>>>>
Fighting X1!
Fly high X1
Fighting X1!
Fly high X1
Kami para oneit pasti akan selalu mendukung X1 dalam masa apapun. Khususnya saya yang selalu akan mendukung x1 disaat mereka di atas maupun mereka di bawah. Dan khusunya untuk Kim Yohan i love you so much❤ kami selalu menunggu kalian untuk bisa terbang bersama❤
真的覺得可以飯上X1這個團體很幸運,會做X1永遠的one it的!
Dear X1, you're the best whatever you've done. Thank you for your song, your dance, your music. Your music inspire me through my hard day, I really thank you for that. Hope you always healthy and do whatever do you like. We always support you. Espescially waiting for your comeback. Keep stronger and we always be your wings untill the end. 파이팅 X1, 파이팅 원잇, 사랑해요 ❤