Movement and progress have finally been seen in what seemed to be an era where ONE ITs were put on a stand still. We relied on small cracks to peer into the case and into what exactly was happening behind closed doors. During this time where we were kept in the dark, we’ve managed to continue to be with X1 in all our anxious but firm stance.

Today, we might hear a little more of what the future holds for our dear boys. Some of us who are stronger, continue to look at it with determination and unyielding faith. While there are those who may feel nervous for what is yet to come. We’re here to tell you that it is okay to feel this way, and being scared for our boys do not mean you love them any less.

This is a dynamic that has been established within our fandom, where we have strong spearheads that march into the confusion and the unknown head on. While there are those who take smaller steps but still push forward at their own pace. And again, it’s okay.

We would only ask for one thing from all of you, despite all the fear we may have or whatever news we would face today and any day ahead, let us continue to walk with X1. With them at your own pace, don’t ever let them go. You may allow those who have greater resolve to barrel on but promise to follow and to still, in your own and gentle way, support X1 through anything.

The end of the tunnel is nearing. We are walking towards this blind and with only our common love for X1 to hang on to. No matter what is there for us to face, we shall face it as ONE ITs.

If good news were to surprise us today, we shall all celebrate and scream together. We shall raise our chin high in the air while we relish in the fruit of all we’ve been through. Block out the hate coming our way and fight it with our indifference. At this time, we have learned to only listen to each other and to only look at X1’s way. When good news comes, we shall continue to do as we do. This time, with smiles on our faces.

However, if bad news were to come our way, we shall only hold each other tighter and cry ourselves raw. We shall not burn bridges or fight the system with anger in our heavy hearts. We shall not listen to other voices, and let their agenda infiltrate our own. We have strength in our unified numbers and we shall not let go. When bad news comes, we shall continue to move as one. We shall shed tears together and demand for what is right.

Yes, ONE ITs, movement and progress is scary for most of us. We cannot tell what the future holds for us and for our X1, but only one thing is for sure: Whatever happens, we will never have to face it alone.

ONE ITs for X1, ONE ITs for each other.


Even the weak become strong when they are united. – Friedrich von Schiller

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