

どのようにしてそれぞれのメンバーを愛するようになったかについて、どうぞ話を聞かせてください。 あなたが人生の困難を乗り越えたり、あなたが喜びを得るのにX1がどうのように影響を与えてきたかを共有しましょう。 もうすでに、X1はあなたの人生の一部になっていることでしょう! 11人の少年たちがあなたの人生をどのように変えたかを世界中に共有しましょう!

私たちはあなたの語る物語を楽しみにしています。 あなたのOneitesウォニとしての旅をどうぞ語ってください。


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Ain Ain / Spain 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 4:42 pm
Iba a escribir esto en inglés pero las palabras no me salían y no me estaba expresando como realmente quería. Llevamos más de un mes sin X1, cuando lo pienso me duele, me duele porque se que esos 11 chicos lo que más desean en el mundo es estar encima de un escenario haciendo lo que más aman. Todos ellos se unieron a pdx101 por una razón y esa era la de poder seguir cantando sobre un escenario.
Es doloroso pensar que ese sueño por el que tantas lágrimas habrán derramado se vea ensuciado por los placeres de una sola personas que no les importa los sueños de los demás.

Si me preguntas ahora ¿por qué sigues apoyándolos? ¿Por qué sigues aquí si el futuro es incierto? Es simple, tengo 11 razones para quedarme y por esas 11 razones seguiré luchando y esperando.
Aunque la espera sea larga y dura, estoy segura que lo que está por venir será mucho mejor y que cuando eso ocurra sabré que la espera y la lucha realmente valió la pena.
ليذا ليذا / Madina Saudi Arabia 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 3:41 pm
Fatima, this from Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, Madina., I am not that good in English, but I will try best to say the words of support for X1,
I'll be here, and some ONE IT, I know here in Saudi, X1 be strong, we will always be there for all of you, don't loss hope, don't give up, and please comeback soon, I miss you all, don't listen to the haters and antis, we ONE IT, is still for you, so please, comeback soon, 사랑해, X1
summer summer / indonesia 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 3:36 pm
hey this is my first journey becomes a kpop fans. i never falling in love with the other group even my friend always tell me about them. you guys really changed me a lot. your journey, your story, not only u, but our journey we will always remember that right? u guys teach me to not giving up about my dreams, and to always hard work. thank you for becames into my life. i know its a little bit right now, but i promise, no we one it promises will be protecting u all the cost. we will always waiting you. we will always supporting no matter what. its okay to be sad sometimes, cause u know a sun will rise soon, a really soon. please hang on there a little bit, after that we promise to tell the world how powerful, talented, beautiful, all rounder you are. we really missing you, we need u to comeback ASAP, lets do that and tell the world who you are. i love you. i love u sooo much!! and i miss u.
Paula Paula / ECUADOR 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 2:05 pm
hey guys.
I really wanted to write to you in some way, I wish with all my heart that you are well and eat well, I love you with all my heart and soul. I hope you keep eating well and I will always support you. Fly High X1 ♥
Irish Irish / San Diego, California 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 2:04 pm
Hi. First of, I would like to commend everyone who genuinely support and love X1 to their utmost. Fellow One Its, you rock!

I've never watched nor supported any Produce groups before PDX101 because at the back of my mind, there will come a time that I have to let them go once their contract is done. But for some reason, I happened to watch PDX 101 episodes last June. It was on YouTube during Yohan's first evaluation. He really caught my attention right away. His entry was a breath of fresh air. He was raw and natural. He got that vibes that he is going to make it. So, from then, I only watched his videos. Then, I came to realize I was hooked with him. From heely's to his legendary BOSS performance. Obviously, I became a Yorangdan in an instant. From then on, Yohan's interactions with Seungwoo, Junho and Seungyoun made me want for them to debut together. Their chemistry were so natural. It is just so different. Then came the finals, you knew how happy I was when Yohan gained the 1st place before the debut evaluation? It was a tough fight because Wooseok was a tough competitor. I didn't get the chance to watch the finals live on TV because I was traveling that time but when I heard Yohan won 1st place and became X1's center, I couldn't put into words how happy I am for this 3 month old trainee who gave up his promising career in Taekwondo. He made it! Never been a center on any evaluation but became the center of a legendary group in the making.
And then again, when X1 debuted, I get to know all the other members. All of them made their way to my heart. I am more than satisfied with the line up. They are the best. The best line up, X1 could ever have. Because why not? X1 has mostly all rounder members. Talented, skilled, funny, witty and each consists of charms no one can resist.
But being a fan of X1 is not easy. This is the only Produce group that I've been so attached that issues from here and there affected me so much. I got hurt, disappointed, discouraged to name a few. It is disheartening until now that X1 has to suffer so much from things they dont have control about. I can't even imagine how painful it is for them thinking that they can fly high after debut when controversies poured all of a sudden. You know, there are reasons to leave X1 but there are more reasons to stay. When Yohan said to not let go of their hand, right then and there I knew, X1 chose to stay. They want us to know that they won't let go of One Its hands too. I know waiting for them has a lot of uncertainties. We don't even know what's next about X1. The thing is, I knew deep down in my heart, as a fan, X1 will come back. That after all these chaos, greater things will come. I hope we won't get tired of waiting for them because X1 is worth it. We will get to see our boys soon. To my fellow Yorangdans One Its, you all deserved a pat in the back for being strong and being X1's wings when they can't fly. To the people behind this forum, you're all amazing! And to all the X1 members, thank you for being an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for not giving up on your dreams. And thank you for being who you are. Until we meet again. And when you come back, come back stronger and soar even higher. 🦋💚
진영 진영 / 서울 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 1:19 pm
이런 편지를 쓸수 있게 만들어준 원잇 정말 멋져요! 우리 모두 엑스원을 기다리며 힘내요! 엑스원은 저의 삶에 행복이예요! 또한원잇은 같은 마음으로 모인 친구들이구요! 원잇과 엑스원이 있어서 너무나 행복해요!
Valerie Valerie / Philippines 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 12:57 pm
X1 became the 1st produce group I wholeheartedly stan, though I hate the fact that our time together is limited, that didn't stop me to love & support them all. I am always proud and lucky to be part of this wonderful family, One it.
張鈺雪 張鈺雪 / Taiwan 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 12:55 pm
說其實本來沒有打算要追選秀節目出身的團體,因為不想要接受解散的痛,而且也沒有看過PRODUCE X 101,但還是有喜歡的one pick,所以就勉強的看了最後一集,祈禱曜漢跟宇碩一定要出道,因為那時的我也只知道他們兩個人^^,結果知道曜漢跟宇碩有出道我就決定要追了,也不清楚是以什麼心態來決定的,因為我根本就不認識剩下其他9個成員,對曜漢跟宇碩也是一知半解,就不知道我那股衝勁是怎麼來的了~我還記得我確定我真的會很喜歡X1 的確切日期是7月22他們第一次一起直播的那一天,真的覺得成員們的互動很可愛,而且對選隊長這個部分意見相當一致,就覺得未來一定是很團結也很有團魂的一個團體,這樣叫我怎麼能不愛上他們呢!8月19日是我們名字的誕生,說真的第一次聽到One it真心嚇到總覺得會適應很久,但其實久了就很喜歡很喜歡這個名字,因為我們的X1也就只有一個,我所認識以及喜歡的X1 是那11名成員一起組成的少一個人都不行,距離出道也越來越近激動的心情也逐漸高漲,每天都期待27日能快點到來,以為只要出道我們就可以一起走花路了,可惜現實就不是這個樣子,但我們的未來我們得自己創造,一場暴風雨過後必定會雨過天晴,只要能度過這次難關,往後再有什麼困難也無法阻擋我們了,現在我們能做的不多,就這樣好好的陪在孩子們身邊,相信孩子們能撐過去,奇蹟一定很快就會出現。
不知不覺中孩子們在這幾個月之中變成我生活的一部份,從一開始不熟悉的成員,到現在變成我生命裡不可或缺的動力,或許我沒有比別人更加了解你們,但我相信我愛你們的心卻一點都不會輸給別人,我不會說什麼賺人熱淚的話,但我可以把我愛你們一直掛在嘴邊,因為是真的很愛你們,喜歡你們是我一輩子做過最棒的選擇,很謝謝你們出現在我的生活裡,未來的我們會一直一起,因為我們是要一起走花路的夥伴,還有只要有我們One it 在絕對不會讓你們受到任何傷害。
最後願所有等待終不被辜負,即使我們走的路備嘗艱困,也會有開花結果的一天 .
fly high x1 우리는 영원히 함께하자
張鈺雪 張鈺雪 / 臺北 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 12:50 pm
說其實本來沒有打算要追選秀節目出身的團體,因為不想要接受解散的痛,而且也沒有看過PRODUCE X 101,但還是有喜歡的one pick,所以就勉強的看了最後一集,祈禱曜漢跟宇碩一定要出道,因為那時的我也只知道他們兩個人^^,結果知道曜漢跟宇碩有出道我就決定要追了,也不清楚是以什麼心態來決定的,因為我根本就不認識剩下其他9個成員,對曜漢跟宇碩也是一知半解,就不知道我那股衝勁是怎麼來的了~我還記得我確定我真的會很喜歡X1 的確切日期是7月22他們第一次一起直播的那一天,真的覺得成員們的互動很可愛,而且對選隊長這個部分意見相當一致,就覺得未來一定是很團結也很有團魂的一個團體,這樣叫我怎麼能不愛上他們呢!8月19日是我們名字的誕生,說真的第一次聽到One it真心嚇到總覺得會適應很久,但其實久了就很喜歡很喜歡這個名字,因為我們的X1也就只有一個,我所認識以及喜歡的X1 是那11名成員一起組成的少一個人都不行,距離出道也越來越近激動的心情也逐漸高漲,每天都期待27日能快點到來,以為只要出道我們就可以一起走花路了,可惜現實就不是這個樣子,但我們的未來我們得自己創造,一場暴風雨過後必定會雨過天晴,只要能度過這次難關,往後再有什麼困難也無法阻擋我們了,現在我們能做的不多,就這樣好好的陪在孩子們身邊,相信孩子們能撐過去,奇蹟一定很快就會出現。
不知不覺中孩子們在這幾個月之中變成我生活的一部份,從一開始不熟悉的成員,到現在變成我生命裡不可或缺的動力,或許我沒有比別人更加了解你們,但我相信我愛你們的心卻一點都不會輸給別人,我不會說什麼賺人熱淚的話,但我可以把我愛你們一直掛在嘴邊,因為是真的很愛你們,喜歡你們是我一輩子做過最棒的選擇,很謝謝你們出現在我的生活裡,未來的我們會一直一起,因為我們是要一起走花路的夥伴,還有只要有我們One it 在絕對不會讓你們受到任何傷害。
fly high x1 우리는 영원히 함께하자
Reem Ibrahim Reem Ibrahim / st. louis, missouri 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 12:35 pm
x1, thank you so much for making me laugh everyday. it is currently finals week and one of the few things getting me through it is that after its over ill be a little bit closer to seeing your smiles. i miss you all so much and ill wait forever for you. i cant wait to meet you all irl one day and tell you how much you mean to me. thank you for existing and impacting my life for the better. without you, i'd be in a much worse place right now.
saf saf / london 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 12:12 pm
x1 has came into my life well as cliche as it sounds but they made everything so much better for, despite this hard time they’ve been going through i did not once think to leave their side after all the backlash we and the boys received, they make me the happiest and slowly made me realise there is so much more to myself than I thought there is. i am so glad to be a fan of theirs and will always support them no matter what, i stan alot of groups in general but the love i have for x1 is more massive and i don’t think I’d love another group the way i love x1.
Mardi Mardi / Phillippines 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 12:01 pm
We will always #StandUpForX1 It ain't that deep but X1 made our life worth living. We promise that we will always be there for them through all the ups and downs, no matter what happens. We don’t want to lose them. They've become a great part of us whom we can’t afford to lose. This is a once in a lifetime love and we intend to keep it forever ~even longer than forever. We will always be there light, as they are to us. We will always be there strength and courage along the bumpy road. We will always be there for them. We will fight together with them. And we will always hold them tight because we don’t ever want to lose them🥺

X1 REMAINS 11 AS IT IS NOW UNTIL THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS! ONE ITs all around the world, be strong! Always remember "Life is at times tough. And all we need to do is to prove that we are tougher than it" Because at the end, we will always have each other. So let's show the world that X1 deserves everything💜
Rhean Christy Rhean Christy / BGC Philippines 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 12:01 pm
I am here patiently waiting for your comeback stage X1 from the start of your Debut until now me with One it Fam will contineously and always be supporting you in many ways because we dont want to let go of you. We will always here to hold on to because we want to walk with you in a flowerpath way that you and I/we dream of. We always here for you guys our beloved X1 members. We will never ever give up on you. We love you always.
xinying xinying / Malaysia 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 11:10 am
我是一个来自马来喜欢的one-it。原本不哈韩对韩国偶像明星不感兴趣 但是在五月份的时候那天下午我打开电视就看到的producex101的节目当下就喜欢上了金曜汉 真的很喜欢 为了能明白他们在说什么我也正在学韩文 每个成员都很喜欢 能出道真的是太好了 希望x1能和我们one-it一起走花路 大红大紫 fly high x1 我爱你们
xinying xinying / Malaysia 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 11:06 am
Shania Shania / Pampanga, Philippines 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 11:05 am
I just saw one of the produce x 101 clips and then I watched the show on viu last month. I have supported them because I saw how much they work hard for their dream and they deserved that debut. Their songs inspires me and felt that I am loved by them. I remember the time that I'm sobproud of them, I literally cried and when they are sad I'm also bursting to tears it feels like they are with me also fighting the problems and passing the obstacles. Just the other day, I listened to I'm here for you, while I'm watching the video I'm also listening and focusing to their voices. It felt like they have reached out for me that it's okay to be not okay that it just need to take one step at a time and it is not needed to hurry. After listening to their song I burst into tears and that reminded me why I stan them, its because they also help me grew to be better version of myself.

My dear X1,
The One Its are here for you and we will be by your side to support you. We are willing to be your wings to make you guys FLY HIGH. We love you so much, please stay healthy and strong. We can pass this obstacle. We love you and we miss you.

- Shania
Shannen delos Santos Shannen delos Santos / Cavite City 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 10:20 am
I actually stan x1 a month after their debut because I was thinking if I should stan again a group that was from Produce series because I cried a lot when I saw wannaone disband but after I watched their videos I decided to watch pdx101 and stan X1. I saw how they cope up with their struggles and never give up to reach their dreams, and even some of them are not discovering their talent from that start and doesnt have self confidence in order for them to reach their goals they changed their self in a better way. So I want you to know One Its are here no matter what happen we will support you until the end X1 fighting!! ❤
Yura Yura / Algeria 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 9:42 am
The first episode of pdx101, I was attracted to dongpyo and minhee( who debuted +yunseong) I supported all the trainees from the bottom of my heart I loved them all, and like that I learned that I have to love and support people around me, I was happy and somehow content, was all to be helpful. As the show continued, I sad for the trainees who got eliminated but seeing other trainees trying their best to continue even though they were sad for their friends, and being exhausted and almost losing hope made me realise that I have keep trying to achieve what I want. 20 trainee eps were so emotional, their relationships were so pure that it affected me to behave like them nicely and warmly to other people. When x1 memebers were selected to debut I was really happy even though my one of my picks didn't make it *yunseong* but i accepted the fact and that made believe even more in destiny... As I spent more time with x1 I got to think that they're my ult group I loved them I love them and I'll love them forever. Im really hard times in these last months I was tired all day but when I remember that x1 are still that I can still see their smiles made happy, they inspired me, they push me to work hard, they remind me to never give, they show me the beauty of this world even though it is unintentional but I'm very thankful and grateful that I can't put it in words. And for one its, you were my friends since the day we got our name, I felt as if I'm not alone, I thought of you as sisters and brothers who can understand me very well as we think of x1 the same idk how to say it but strangely I genuinely love each one of you guys I want to hug you one by one and tell you how thankful I'm for one its and x1 so please stay healthy and happy, remember that we are all here to help each other take care of yourselves and i hoetep we can see x1 soon
Ilhéna Ilhéna / Paris 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 9:42 am
I’ve been watching Produce X 101 since Day 1. But I never knew i’d love the X1 members so much! I can’t express how I much I love you guys. I keep listening to your musics, watch your videos and my heart feels so warm! You deserve all the love and support of the world! You have fans all around the world and we’ll always be here for you! Fly High X1
Jaila Jaila / Philippines 投稿日時 : 12月 17, 2019 - 9:13 am
I keep on watching X1 vines on youtube since I am missing their laughs, their voice, their funny moments already :< One its are willing to wait for you! That's how we love you. We will always support you and protect you.