One It,
There was never a day that I’ve forgotten about you.
You always say that I make you happy but the truth is you’ve been crying more because of me, haven’t you?
I’m sorry if I could only protect you through my silence. But you can hear my heart through my actions, don’t you? There’s no such thing as coincidence, I hope you know that today too, I am trying my best to tell you that I am here for you, like I have promised.
I wish I could scream your name and tell the Universe how thankful I am for your existence.
I’m sorry, if this is the only way I can say I love you too, I love you more, and that I love you the most.
When the stage lights started to slowly dim and my silhouette began to slowly fade, your love shines brightly and overpowered the darkness.
When the screams and applause stopped, your combined whispers of love and hope echoed through my soul, giving me strength, allowing me to breathe.
When the powerful kept me silent, you gave me voice and stood up for my justice.
When the giants threw lies and the hypocrites spoke hate, your trust and courage revealed my truth.
When the world took away the trophies and crowns, your faith in my dreams reminded me that the greatest prize I could ever hold in my hands was you, my One It.
You made me invincible.
I am hesitant to tell you that I am afraid to become just a memory.
It scares me to think that one day I’ll wake up and realize you have already forgotten about me. I will hold your hand until the end so please do not let go of me; do not give up on me.
One It, always remember that no matter what it takes; no matter how hard it is, the love we have for each other will forever flow through the invisible red string of fate. We will always find our way back to each other. I love you with all that I am, today, tomorrow, and always.
Your X1

Nomuunomuuuuu Kamsahamnidah
I will never give up
I will also hold tight your hand until X1 comeback 🤝❤️🦋❤️ and we walking on a flower path together 🥰
A family that is connected by invisible strings 😢😢
W-wait this is so sad😭😭😭
Let’s fight for them One its ㅠㅠ
Thank you for such beautiful words. It gave warmth to everyone’s heart. I really hope that we
can get through these hardships together 💖 I love you, One it! I love you, X1!
Keep fighting, ONE IT💪💪❤❤
Let’s continue the fight fam! We have to get them back 😭
One it I’m so proud of you…
One it thank you for doing a great job
One it saranghe…
Proud to be a part of you… as a one it I’m proud to be a part of the wings of X1…
my heart is full as i read this… my 11 kids will stay in my heart for always…i am your X1 mom 🙂
We will always be together today, tomorrow and forever🤗❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
this so beautiful thank you so much ㅠㅠ
I never knew something like this would make me cry. Let’s not lose hope and lets all walk on the flowery path 🥺🥺
I’m in the verge of tears 😭😭 Thank you so much for this . Thank you so so much
this is beautiful,one day we will cry together because of happiness and joy I am always positive that everyone’s hardwork will nevr go into vain
fighting until the very end!!
We ll fight for you🔥❤️❤️❤️
X1 and One It Fighting 💪
Let’s fly higher
I promise I will always by your side, my super precious X1, I won’t let you become memories, I must keep you in my mind until forever, I wont give up and I will fight for you until the end. Nothing will be worse than now, I will wait for that day that all of you come back to our sides together. We love you💙
It made me cry, i am proud to be part of this family😭😭❤❤ let’s fight harder more than yesterday.
Let’s fight one it!!!
Stay strong!!!
Thankyou for everything. I love you my oneit fam 😭💔
We will never give up on u boys…i just realize how much i miss you boys soo much i just want to see you to perform on stage as OT11 again, we will make it happen for you just hangin there we love you X1
Thank you for these warm words. This paper makes me very emotional. I will hold your hands until the end. I, we and you will never give up! Let’s unite our path again so we can walk together.
cryinggggㅜㅜ i love you guys so much.
At the first time, i stan this fandom. No matter what happens, i still here with one million dreams like our 11 stars. i have been waiting for them. And always like that. We will continue to struggling, supporting each other. I never give up until we walk on the same road, flowery road together 🙂
we will be stronger fandom than before. I hope x1 know it!!!!!!!!!!!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Yes, you’re right!
That’s my name.
this is heart warming ㅠㅠ let’s fight, it’s not the end! we can do this one its, let’s bring them back! i hope we all can walk on flower path together, one its & x1
we are stronger together, we can through the hard times, just believe. thank you one it, thank you x1! HWAITING! 💙
I’m tearing up😭😭 thankyou so much, it gives me a strength to continue this struggle, to face this cruel world, to win this battle. X1, don’t worry, we will meet again, as new X1 and new One It but with the same feelings🥺♥️
Thank you for this. i will never get tired of fighting and waiting for the comeback of our lovely boys. We are all connected! I love to be part of this fandom since the very beginning. ❤
OMG, i’m crying right now. Thank you for everything
My heart is bleeding upon reading this letter, I wish I have power to turn back the time. But I will try my very very best so I could help to make u comeback to us as your oneit.
Fighting.. i am waiting rebranding X1..
This letter made me cry and stronger at the same time. Thank you X1 for coming in my life. Because of you X1 i know, i learn about something. Because of you X1 i know feeling of loving something.
Lets fight together😭💕
One it, let’s fight for X1. Please don’t give up. Fighting!!!!
How could you make me cry😭
But i feel the power of your love💙💙
Fighting ONE-IT 💜
Omgggg, i’m cryinggg😭😭
Yah!! 😭😭😭 Why you do this to me. I am at work while reading this and my co worker look at me because I’m about to cry 😭😭😭 Uri X1 hwaiting!! You will never be forgotten cause you will always be in my heart. You gave me strength when I’m about to give up my life. Forever I’ll be grateful that you existed.
this is so sweet <3 big thanks to the team behind this for spreading the facts and giving one its hope~
fighting ^^
this is made my day
Thank you for a sweet words. It’s make me proud to be Oneit family. I believe we can through a predicament together and find a happiness moment with X1
Like our promise, we will hold hands forever. I love you❤️
i will never let your hand to left me and my family alone. we will always stay and wait for you guys. even until we dont have energy, we still stay and fight for you guys. wait there boys. we are here for you.
This is so beautiful but sad at the same time. Don’t give up oneits, we will win this war.
It’s so sad to cry. I am proud to be a part of oneit.
One it is Great
Oneit is Strong
Thanks for still struggling for X1.
I was tearing while read this touching letter.. I feel like they really wanna say all those words to us.. Thank you for this beautiful gift💕💕
omg! i cried with this 🙁
Im crying ‘)
Omg.. I really love this fandom. We can make a happy ending for our boys. Thank you one its for your fighting.
Keep fighting for X1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️