These past few days we’ve been buried with nothing but controversies and rumors and hates from bandwagons and anti-fans, and disbandment petitions, ridicule and sarcasms, nothing but all these negativities, and without even realizing it we were imprisoned in our own world which was supposed to give us happiness, confidence, and freedom.

At the very beginning, we’ve expected things to go smooth, to be brighter, and we envisioned a successful and fruitful 2019 for X1. August 27, 2019, we’ve shed tears of joy and pride, together with the expectations we had for X1, and the 11 members. Despite feeling frustrated by the scandal, we proceeded and just focus on empowering X1 and their future activities as 11 members.
We were able to hold still and move forward, yet, everything came to a halt when bombs of investigations together with what they said as “proofs” and “witnesses” came rushing to pin us down.

One Its, we began to waver. We were taken aback. Together with our 11 boys, we were silenced and discriminated. Some of us managed to grab onto the edge and not fall into the abyss. Some were confused and petrified. Some managed to recover and fight back, however, some ended up in the darkness, feeling hopeless, downhearted, and wretched, barely hanging.
Let me tell you something, that’s for sure understandable, considering how we’ve spent efforts, money, sweats, even our mental health and emotional health are at stake, and the world is just going to out straight tell us that ALL OF THESE DOES NOT MATTER. NOT ONE BIT?! Why? Because X1 is under investigation? Because they are “rigged”?! Because they wanted X1 to disband?!
X1 was deprived of what they supposedly deserved. Our 11 boys, like any other group there is, did their very best, offered blood, sweat, and tears just so they can realized their dreams, and repay their fans.
Sacrificed for the sake of reaching their goals, for flying high just like what they’ve promised, yet these antagonists have the audacity to chop off their wings with their hypocrite minds and shallow reasoning.
Their narrow-mindedness, and cowardly actions made us suffer! They made our 11 boys agonize over the consequences that aren’t supposed to be shouldered by these young and innocent members. The hate and punishment, which supposedly SHOULD be directed to the “real instigator” and to those adults who initiated the whole mess, are now being dumped at the wrong people! Many called X1 rigged and blamed them for the mess that even them has no knowledge about, not until they were ambushed and called-out for it, which is obviously and undoubtedly WRONG!

They wanted to push their twisted opinion because they refused to see the truth, and chose to turn blind and deaf over our fandom’s protest and plea. They have no means of helping us out or hearing our voices. They made that choice the very moment they decided to boycott X1 and the 11 members, leaving them under the rocks! Invalidating their efforts and passion! Stepping on their dreams like a piece of trash! Leaving them helpless!
It’s US, One Its with the X1 members, Han Seungwoo, Cho Seungyoun, Kim Wooseok, Kim Yohan, Lee Hangyul, Cha Junho, Son Dongpyo, Kang Minhee, Lee Eunsang, Song Hyeongjun, Nam Dohyon AGAINST THE WORLD.
It’s all on US, and OUR POWER AS ONE.
It’s all going to be about X1 and ONE ITS from now on.
Those people made their choice, WE SHOULD ALSO MAKE OURS!
Whether we stand divided against all odds, or join forces to create the greatest shield and the most powerful sword there is to defend and protect our boys. It’s all up to us now! Are you willing to just sit there and succumb to your uncontrollable rage, while our boys are getting ridiculed and stepped on?! Or are you strong enough to stand tall and bring out your voice so we can all create a huge wave as one?! ONE ITS, we promised our 11 boys that we will protect them, no matter what.
Remember what our leader, Han Seungwoo, asked us during the ShowCon?
“Everyone will be our wings, right?”
How about you? WILL YOU?

I cry almost everyday for them….
Im also from other fandom, but my heart definitely aches so bad… only for x1
I become sensitive and got anger easily…
I don’t know how to tell the world to stop hurting my boys…..
I will definitely support x1 till they be successful!!!
To Everyone who hurts my boys, I hopr karma will hit you hard!!!
Dear One It ,
Remember the promises we made on 27th August to always be X1 wings so that they can fly higher?
Remember the faces of our 11 boys amazed at how a whole Gocheok Sky Dome managed to be filled ?
Remember how happy they are getting their 1st trophy ?
Isn’t it worth it to fight for them to see those smiles again ?
Let’s fight against the odds , shall we ?
X1 and oneits, let’s hold each other hands. Nothing is impossible, this shall pass and let’s be happy afterwards. To the members, hang in there and always take care of yourselves. Oneits are always here.
OMG! I loved the article.
Yes we wont be silenced
Please keep fighting because now is the time to do it
Thank you for this nice article, we will always waiting for the boys and always being their wings, X1 & Oneits Fighting!!!
X1 and oneits, let’s hold each other hands. Nothing is impossible, this shall pass and let’s be happy afterwards. To the members, hang in there babies and always take care of yourselves. Oneits are always here.
we will protect them, no matter what.
Yes, let’s protect them together
lets make them can fly higher
Thank you for all of your hard work!
Thank you for creating this platform. Fighting! We can survive this! 🙂
This made me cry. Thank you sooooo much. Thank you for supporting our lovely 11 boys as much as you can. Thank you! 😭😭😭
Keep your chin up boys……. you deserve your place now….. we are knowing how hard you’ve all work to realize your dream to come true……. it’s just another hurdle to be passed…… once it’s over there will be full of flowery path and rainbow road at the end…….. we love you….. we missed you….. and we will always awaiting of you….. so all of you can stand up confidently and call us again…. One itss……… lets hand in hand together…. we will never let go our hand from all of you….. we will stay beside you for now and in… Read more »
I will always be with X1 no matter what the haters say. I believe in them, only them. All of their hard work and true passion will eventually beat all those demons out there. They have suffered enough and after these I believe we will see them flying higher than any other groups. I trust my guts.
as much as possible, as long as possible I will try my hardest to become a solid wing for them. I may be small, but my determination is strong. one it won’t leave X1 no matter what
Of course, i will.. Let’s make them fly higher than now.. Let’s make a lot of happy memories for us..
Yes i will!!!
The days of working in silence should come to an end. Even X1, even our boys, they are currently under a social media ban, under ‘hiatus’… but that doesn’t stop them to show theirselves to us, they went out, took pictures with fans, gave autographs and spread warmth during this cold season. They did all those things to let us know that they are not giving up, that they are still fighting. They are doing their best to assure us. So let’s do the same thing. We are their fans, their strongest back u, their sharpest weapon, their loudest voice.… Read more »
thank you !!! we are strong bcozz we are ONE IT FOR X1!!!!!
Yes I will
Let’s fly high with X1 !!!!
I will be forever with X1
One its, lets become stronger and protect 11 boys harder.
X1 & OneIt, FIGHTING!!
I came to be a ONE IT because these boys INSPIRE me to always aspire to be a better version of myself. Even if it’s difficult, even if it places me in unfamiliar territory. And now, they teach me RESILIENCE. I have never seen young men with so much GRIT as these boys. They will survive this. And we will be there with them every step of the way.
One Its will always be with X1. One its will stand with X1.
We are going through this hardship together. We will walk sure X1 will walk on the flowery path 🌼
Yes, we should be our boys’ wings🥺 We should stand together and do something so that 11 of them can perform on stage again. Our boys deserve the best and they should be treated like other idols too. It was not their fault at all. I will stay with X1 forever!
Yes…absolutely, i will be their wings, now and forever…n im sure a lots one its will too…each of us is a feather to a really big wings, ready for x1 to fly high and higher. WE ARE YOUR ONE ITS. 🥰🥰…
Oneits we gonna get thru this, our boys gonna do too…hwaiting!!!
Yes. We can do this together. Even we are a small fandom, let show them we still can fight this together🔥
This is all One Its emotions into writing. I am proud to be a One It. I am proud to be supporting all 11 talented and passionate boys!!! And I will stand and fight with One Its for X1!!!!
Yes i will
I WILL FOR X1 🦋❤ Let the haters bark but I don’t even give a damn. I had enough this year. X1 will get justice they deserving and prove those Haters WRONG
I will.
Love from 🇵🇭
Yes i will
Yes !!! We will always be here for our best boys, LIKE ALWAYS !!! Thanks you so much for you hardwork @wingsforx1, ❤
Right in the feels! Our X1 should be flying high not waiting in the dungeon. We will be their wings and we will fly high. 🦋
no matter what I’ll always be their wings.
We are here for x1 .. we won’t give up until we get our boys back 💞💞💞💞
Yes i will
I’m from the PH. I’m with X1’s side. The boys deserve everything the world has to offer! I will support them with all my heart! Fighting! Song hyeongjun i love you! Boys i love you! I STAND WITH X1!
Yes, we will always be here for X1
Fly High X1 !
Thank you for working so hard for the boys. Stay Strong OneIt they will comeback soon cheer up 🙂
Damn! Yes I am! so willing to be part of their wings in this journey.. Fighting!
We badly miss you X1!
X1 Saranghae!
Proud One It!
yessss!!!!!! fly high x1
We will always stand by X1 side and we will never leave them. We will always be their wings. Xi Fighting~ One Its fighting~
whatever happens i am proud one it that will stay behind,and support X1..i am with all those oneits around the globe that will be the wings of our ot11..WE WILL SUPPORT X1 NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!PROUD PH ONEIT
yes, I completely agree. I have been waiting a long time for this official statement from one of the x1 sites. Thank you for being the first and I expect more. We all love X1 and wish them all the best in the future.
Thank you for stealing my eyes from the crowd and stealing my heart from me. I love you boy’s, 11 talented, 11 dreams, 11 boy’s become one is X1, i will always be your wings let’s fly high together
Thank you for this. My fellow One Its, let’s continue to stay strong for the boys.
I will and I hope good thing will happen soon. We must stay strong for them!
Fly high, X1!
Yes we will. And will ALWAYS! This are just an obstacles. We can win and overcome this. GIVING UP AND KEEPING IN SILENCE won’t make us jump higher. Let us not wait for the moment that we can’t do anything. Start to voice out and start the movement today~ 💙 FIGHTING X1! FIGHTING ONE ITs💙
One it from the Philippines 🇵🇭
Yes, we are always here with all the voys, we are going to support them because we knew this is what they wanted, their dreams and we’ll make it come true. To more years of success for X1 !! Love from Malaysia One It ✌❤
Really wish many One Its will more focus to X1 instead of joining any fanwar with other fandom (except they started it first).
Really wanna do something for all my boys but I can do nothing 😭
Ofcourse I will!
Yes i will
Thank you for this. We have to stay strong for them. They bring so much happiness to us
Yes i will fight for X1 💪
We will be with X1 no matter what the odds, ONE ITs won’t give up! X1 FLY HIGH! X1 FIGHTING! X1 SARANGHAEYO~! X1 STAND UP! X1 WE ARE FOR YOU, WE ARE YOUR WINGS AND VOICE!
Yes i will ❤️