“Our OneIt. Thank you so much for being with X1 Always. Don’t let go of our hands now and forever, I love you.”
– Kim Yohan, The Star, 2019.

X1 has been under the microscope for almost a month, due to on-going investigations involving CJ ENM and the Produce series, activities for the boys have ceased and all interactions with the fans have been discouraged.
Outside what we read on SNS, we see them everywhere, standing proudly, watching movies, eating out, and going to karaoke bars.
With digital and SNS restriction, the boys are leaving their footprint and letting their stance be heard in other ways.

Let us look closely at the signs and understand:
They cannot post on X1Members Twitter account or on Fancafe?
- Dongpyo, Hyeongjun, and Yohan’s family members posted their selcas and share photos or videos with them.
- Wooseok ignoring management’s advise and posting for selcas with OneIts he encounters.
Do they want to stay in X1?
- Seungwoo and Wooseok gave their autographs and signed it with “X1.”
- Eunsang, Hangyul, and Yohan were seen wearing fan gifts bearing X1’s namesake on the back.
- Seungyoun saying that his happiest moment with Hyeongjun is still debuting with him as X1.
Do they want to stay together?
- Hangyul taking the entire maknae line to the movies for three consecutive days.
- Seungyoun and Seungwoo having dinner with Dohyon and Junho.
- Eunsang telling Dohyon in his birthday message that he will stay with him forever.
- Yohan saying he will be happy with Hyeongjun now and in the future.
- Hangyul claiming Yohan will be his best friend even after promotions.
Members are ashamed because of controversies?
- Hangyul is out and about every single day.
- Multiple members visiting the fancafe every single day–Hyeongjun practically everyday.
- Wooseok proudly waving and greeting OneIts.
- Hyeongjun shaking hands with OneIts at the train station.
X1 members are not in hiding and standing firm.
They have not done wrong and they believe in the power of OneIts. Prior to this one month hiatus, the boys were last seen performing at the Kpop Fiesta in Thailand. With all the members saying they wish to stay and repay our love for so much longer. Already knowing what was waiting for them back in Korea, that was their message to us, the same message they keep trying to send in their own means and ways.
These are all signs and we need to read between the lines.
They are unable to voice this out and OneIt must look so much deeper. We must know to only believe in X1 as they believe in us.
Our voices are loud and our belief in X1 should be stronger, now more than ever.
We shall scream for them.
They need it. They want it.
We Won’t let go of your Hands Forever, Whether it’s thorn or flowery Path We will walk with you holding hands side by side! If you are having a hard time, Just Lean on Us X1! ♥️ NO ONE CAN STOP US 🔥 We Will rise from ashes even if we fell down like a Phoenix! 🔥
You beautiful people for doing this, we are so lucky to have you
We will never let your hand go, hope you all have faith in us as we have faith in you. Never let go of our hands too. We love you so much. We miss you like crazy.
We will never let go of our hands. We will serve as their wings if the world is not letting them fly. We love you X1. Let’s fly high together.
Being Oneit who always standing beside X1, make my mind thinking about guarding something & love. For make sure X1 on the best line in every chart & nominee is meaningfull for me (oneit). Let’s take our hand together & passing this cold weather together. Don’t worry oneit always here for you. X1, when you want it. You Got It ^^
Yes!!!The Boys didnt give up from the start so we should not give up as well. X1 has been ONE ITS world and we dont want to lose OUR WORLD. So what ever gonna happen we shall stand and fight for them. Lets make our voices louder and our belief for X1 much stronger than before.
I will stand with x1! Wait for them!
I will stand with oneit, stand with X1!!! Wait for them!
We’ll never let go of your hands. I know this is hard but don’t worry the sun will shine again. I asure you! Saranghae X1♥️
i’m crying now😭
we will continue to fly high with our 11 precious boys. Be strong boys. We wait you here. We’ll wait you to reach your dream. Remember that we’ll never leave you. We believe in X1 so X1 please believe in ONE ITS. We love you today, tomorrow, and forever
I will stand with x1!
We will be your wings X1,we are here for you and always by your side🦋❤❤lets FLY HIGH together!!!!!!X1 made ONE ITs and ONE ITs made X1❤
We’ll stay! Together we will stay! It is just the beginning of everything. Hang on guys! We love you forever!
we are here and always x1, we got your back no matter one happen., Fighting one it, fighting x1. We love you so much, we will fight this together. We wait for you guys. As you comeback we will dominate the kpop industry.
I will be here
No matter what it is X1 will always stay as 11 as han seungwoo, cho seungyoun, kim wooseok, kim yohan, lee hangyul, cha junho, son dongpyo, kang minhee, lee eunsang, song hyeongjun and nam dohyon. No one can change one its minds 😉
X1 will forever fly high with One It. I will not give a single damn about the scandal or whatever. They deserves to be happy. They stand tall for us One It and we must try to stand tall for X1 too 🦋🌈🥰❤ We have a voice and we say “We want X1 back fresh and happy”
Never will I ever leave my x1. This is promise in the name of GOD . I’ll always stand for x1 despite all troubles and problems they face . They will be my number one x1
We will never let go of our hands!
I will stand with x1! Wait for them!
We will be your wings X1,we are here for you and always by your side!
Don’t worry oneit always here for you.
I will stand with x1! Wait for them!
Let’s stay forever with X1!! 😭✊🏻
Let’s Fly higher with X1 🦋
Smile and be strong.
Don’t worry about it.
You’ll get through this.
I’m always here for you.
I’m with you all the way.
Love you guys!❤
Thank you Wings for X1 for being our voice. ❤
I stand with X1 and my fellow One-Its!
엑스원 사랑해 ! 나는 진짜 항상 기다리고 있고 늘 곁에서 응원하고 있어 ! 그 누구가 뭐라해도 난 끝까지 버티고 사랑할거야 ,, 사랑해 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I really like X1
Thank you for everything uri X1. Now lets only walk on flower path our precious boys🖤 I love you until the end💓💓💓
I will never getting tired waiting for them
Thank you 🥺 For letting us realize more that X1 and One Its can only get through this by believing and trusting each other. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. ❤️
Yohan once said don’t ever let go of their hands. I swear i won’t. Since day 1 X1 was formed, i promise myself that i will be by their side forever. Through ups n downs. I will do my best in everything i have to support them as 11.members. Nothing will change my love for them! Their dreams is my dreams too. They want it, we One It! ❤️❤️
I love you guys! Thank you! We can finally see the glimpse of hope. Hoping to see our boys on stage soooooon.
We are always here uri lovely X1💕
We’ll always beside you boys❤
We Love You boys, all of you❤
Eleven of you is miracle for our life❤
don’t worry we will walk on flower path and happyness❤❤
X1 and One its fighting! This will end soon!
🦋 We Are Your One It & we’re here to stay and support X1 all the way! Borrow our wings first & we’ll help you to fly higher.. much higher! 🦋
We will never get tired until you come back. Come back to us please.
X1 pls be strong 💪 one it always be at your side no matter shine or rain. Whatever had happen we will always support you. We love you X1💖One it will always be here for you 😃
Yes we need to scream for them. I won’t stay silence anymore. Our boys deserve the best!
i’ll always be by x1 side, no matter what bcause they need us and we need them 🔥
I’m glad that x1 members are brave to face all these problems. One Its let’s be x1’s wings and be their reasons of staying strong. I believe we’ll get through this together and happy ever after!! Let’s not let go of each other’s hand.
I will always beside X1 when its hard.
Lets fight for X1’s Happiness
I will be here for y’all forever. Let’s walk on flower path!❤🌸
One it will always be there for you X1! Don’t worry cause we (oneit) will never let your hand go. Never. Can we fly higher together?🦋 we love you so much!!