One It,
There was never a day that I’ve forgotten about you.
You always say that I make you happy but the truth is you’ve been crying more because of me, haven’t you?
I’m sorry if I could only protect you through my silence. But you can hear my heart through my actions, don’t you? There’s no such thing as coincidence, I hope you know that today too, I am trying my best to tell you that I am here for you, like I have promised.
I wish I could scream your name and tell the Universe how thankful I am for your existence.
I’m sorry, if this is the only way I can say I love you too, I love you more, and that I love you the most.
When the stage lights started to slowly dim and my silhouette began to slowly fade, your love shines brightly and overpowered the darkness.
When the screams and applause stopped, your combined whispers of love and hope echoed through my soul, giving me strength, allowing me to breathe.
When the powerful kept me silent, you gave me voice and stood up for my justice.
When the giants threw lies and the hypocrites spoke hate, your trust and courage revealed my truth.
When the world took away the trophies and crowns, your faith in my dreams reminded me that the greatest prize I could ever hold in my hands was you, my One It.
You made me invincible.
I am hesitant to tell you that I am afraid to become just a memory.
It scares me to think that one day I’ll wake up and realize you have already forgotten about me. I will hold your hand until the end so please do not let go of me; do not give up on me.
One It, always remember that no matter what it takes; no matter how hard it is, the love we have for each other will forever flow through the invisible red string of fate. We will always find our way back to each other. I love you with all that I am, today, tomorrow, and always.
Your X1

The way it made me cry😭😭😭😭
Now I understand why pdx named ‘X1-MA’ as the title song. In the end, ‘X1-MA’ was given to X1 and it tells us (X1 and One it) to never give up becs someday we can see the lights in this long-tunnel. As long as we walk together and support each other I believe we can get the justice back! Thanks a lot for always being on the boys’ side, I’m proud of you!
How sad is this but really encouraging…yes, I believe we can do this. And we will success!
@x1members @x1official
stan kpop for almost 10 years as a apink stan. For the whole 10 years, I also stan the 2nd gen boygroups and now some of them are already disband. This is my first time see this kind of fandom and i’m proud to be apart of this family, ONE IT.
Let’s make them stay with us.
always love you
please come back
Thank you for this warm words. Oneit keep fighting!! don’t forget to stay healthy. 😭❤
I’m proud to be ONE IT.
Always be ONE IT.
I’ll keep my promise to always hold your hand and never give up. No one can erase our memories. I believe in us. FOREVER. 😭❤️❤️
Wah.. Why am I tearing up while reading this? 😭😭😭
One It fighting…💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🔥
this made me cry. im so happy to meet x1 and there’s no way i would let our fight come to an end without getting the justice they deserve. i just started to admire them a week before the heartbreaking announcement and i am in deep regret that i only knew them for a short time. now my only wish is to spend a long time with them in the future.
Thank you for the reminder.
We will never let you be forgotten.
We promised to be your wings.
Everything will pay off 🦋
I’m here for you
I’m here for you
We won’t go anywhere and give up on you. Let’s be together again side by side to grab our dream. No more word but One It loves X1 sincerely ❤️
Thanks to create the beautiful words of our feeling. Let’s fight harder than before, no one can stop us. I really proud to be part of the most wonderful fandom,One its ♥️
i love you ONE IT😭😭😭💙💚💙💚💙
Cries this is so beautiful♡
Oneit, fighting💕
Oneit, ilyuuuu💕
I needed this, thank you! 😭 We’ll definitely not give up on x1. We’ll win our boys back, we will continue to fight for them!
I’m proud to be apart of this beautiful family ♥️😭
Glad I belong to this strong fandom ❤️
I love you so much thank you for everything you are the best♡ ^^
Boys wait for us…
This is a masterpiece 💙💙💙
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH. oneit, thankyou for staying. lets keep fighting for our boys. 💙
Fighting one its!! Even though it’s hard we have a chance to win this fight 🙂 we will bring our boys back!!
Let’s do our best to get our boys back !
One its fighting !!!!!
I love this fam, I’m proud of my fam, and my X1. Hang in there oneit! We can do it!
I’m proud to be one it and thank you love you so much my fandom
estoy en la escuela y no quiero llorar pero😭😭😭😭😭
I’m tearing up.. 😭
This is first group that makes me love kpop but I couldn’t believe this happen…..No matter what happen I will do anything for x1 rebranding
Love this X1
thank you… i love my family, we are strong and we’ll fight for our dream with X1.
ONE IT, i’m so glad to be here with you, i love you
Dear God, please help X1 and One It to reunite. Please Let X1 redebut with the same members, they are my precious person, they are so precious to us One it. We want to be happy together.
Please find a way for coming back together asap 🙂
I’ll waiting for those beautiful moment 🙂
We always support them ❤️🦋
One it fighting!
We will stay forever by your side ❤
Stay safe and be strong…
I can’t stop crying now. We’ll fight for you boys! We’ll never stop!
I’m here for you too
I’m here for you
Our fight is not over fellow One its
It won’t be until we get our boys back
If you feel discouraged, then remember who you’re fighting for
You’re fighting for 11 boys who had only just begun their dream!!
So keep fighting everyone!
I’m literally crying while reading this. 😭
This is so beautiful
Truly touched and motivated each ONE IT
To push our limits to protect X1
To return them to the stage where they belong
Im crying…
Fighting !💪
thank you for your hard work..may our dear X1 be together again..
너무 슬퍼하지
It Made me cry and stronger at the same time. Thank you for this special gift! Thank you so much for your hard work! We’ll fight together and be stronger together!